JICTS Ltd delivers robust custom database solutions to your needs. Before offering you the best suitable solution, we analyze your business and database
Our database solutions are highly secure and easy to use. We create only such database solutions that solve your business problems.
In addition, we deliver great cross-platform experience – our databases can integrate multiple data sources. Our company designs business websites with an efficient database backend, various E-commerce solutions, company portals and much more.
Our development team possess significant database knowledge and experience and deliver comprehensive database solutions that meet your business requirements. We are responsible for each stage of a development process: design, programming, testing, delivery, and deployment. We understand all the importance of business data, so we offer fast and secure database solutions to help you to streamline workflow your and grow your business by effective data
management and storage.
Our company offers a professional database development team that is well-versed at:
• MS Access and SQL Server (Microsoft relational databases)
• MySQL (Java r elation al data base)
• PostgreSQL (object-oriented relational database)
• Oracle, MongoDB, and other NoSQL database solutions
• Couch DB
• Microsoft SQL Server Reporting, Analysis, and Integration
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